E-Tutorpro is designed for students who wishes to continue education in highest standard and highly competitive Universities.
Our experts plan, consult, conduct and teach candidates with the best quality to make sure to achieve their goal in fastest way and shortest time.
Our experts plan, consult, conduct and teach candidates with the best quality to make sure to achieve their goal in fastest way and shortest time.
For more information about Tutoring, Subjects, Registration, Schedule, Payment, and more please contact Educational Director of e-tutorpro: Dr. H. Emtyazi, Ph.D. in Optoelectronics Physics, Mathematics and Sciences group through: Email: info@e-tutorpro.com Or Call: 1 604 710-9602
Register NowThe scheduling is determined by you. Simply let us know what works for you and we will do our best to fit you in. Sessions are defined as: 1 hour, 1.5 or 2 hours for 60, 90, and 120 minutes respectively. Please check Terms and Policies for more information.
For Scheduling: ClickStudents and tutors agree that if it is necessary to cancel or re-schedule an appointment, for any reason, notification will be given as soon as possible. Advance 48-hour notice is requested, but with the understanding that illness or emergencies may arise, all parties agree that a minimum of 4 hours' notice may be acceptable under emergency circumstances.
If cancellation or re-scheduling is not due to illness or emergency, or if notification by a student is less than 48 hours, a charge for half the regular session fee will be applied. If the student does not contact the tutor at all and does not show up for an appointment, the full session fee will be charged. In return, if the tutor gives less than 24 hours' notice, or fails to appear for an appointment, a half or full session, accordingly, will be provided at no charge. PLEASE SEE TUTORING AGREEMENT
For Scheduling: ClickPlease see Terms and Policy regarding payments, due for the term or at the beginning of each calendar month.
Download our Terms, Policies and Contract. VIEW OTHER SERVICES